tonic + npm: realm-js

node v4.9.1
version: master
"use strict"; const realm = require("realm-js"); class MyChain { setFoo() { // I am the first one. And i set = "foo1" return "foo1"; } setBar() { // I am the second one, and i have "" at my disposal // And i set = "bar1" return "bar1"; } justSomethingFunky() { // I am the third one, and everyone will wait for me let self = this; return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ // But i will not assign anything // Just have to resolve myself return resolve( }) } setHello() { // I am the last to be executed, and i will assign this.hello = "world" return "world"; } } realm.chain(MyChain).then(function(result){ console.log(result); });
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