newman api usage example - find unique url

node v6.17.1
version: 1.0.0
var newman = require('newman'), collectionUrl = "", uniqueUrls = {}; // here we will maintain the unique URLs // call to pass `options` object and listen to events{ collection: collectionUrl }) .on('request', function (err, args) { if (err) { return; } var url = args.request.url.toString(); // store unique URLs and the count of times they were // requested. uniqueUrls[url] ? (uniqueUrls[url] += 1) : (uniqueUrls[url] = 1); }) .once('done', await function (err) { console.log("List of unique URLs in this collection:"); // list all unique URLs Object.keys(uniqueUrls).forEach(function (url) { console.log(`${uniqueUrls[url]} occurrence(s): ${url}`); }); });

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