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tonic + npm: hello-color

node v6.17.1
var chroma = require('chroma-js'); const negate = (color) => { const rgb = chroma(color).rgb() const neg = rgb.map((val, i) => 255 - val) return chroma(neg).hex() } const getColor = (base, { multiplier, lightness, saturation, }) => { const neg = negate(base) if (multiplier === 1) { return neg } const isDark = chroma.contrast(neg, '#000') < chroma.contrast(neg, '#fff') const isDull = chroma(neg).hsl()[1] < .5 return chroma(neg) .saturate(isDull ? multiplier * saturation : 0) .desaturate(isDull ? 0 : multiplier * saturation) .darken(isDark ? 0 : multiplier * lightness) .brighten(isDark ? multiplier * lightness : 0) .hex() } const resolveColor = base => options => (color, multiplier = 17 / 16) => { color = color || getColor(base, { ...options, multiplier }) const contrast = chroma.contrast(base, color) if (contrast > options.contrast) { return color } const [ h, s, l ] = chroma(color).hsl() if ((s === 0 || s === 1) && (l === 0 || l === 1)) { return resolveColor(base)(options)(null, -18/16) } color = getColor(base, { ...options, multiplier }) const isNegative = multiplier < 0 const mult = multiplier + (1/16 * (isNegative ? -1 : 1)) return resolveColor(base)(options)(color, mult) } const rotate = base => deg => { const [ h, s, l ] = chroma(base).hsl() return chroma(h + deg, s, l, 'hsl').hex() } const getHues = base => length => { const hues = [] for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { const deg = (360 / (length + 1)) * (i + 1) const hex = rotate(base)(deg) hues.push(hex) } return hues } const hello = (base, options = {}) => { const { saturation = 0, // s shift amount lightness = 1 / 16, // l shift amount contrast = 3, // min contrast hues = 3 } = options try { chroma(base) } catch (e) { return null } const [ h, s, l ] = chroma(base).hsl() const luminance = chroma(base).luminance() const cont = { white: chroma.contrast(base, '#fff'), black: chroma.contrast(base, '#000') } const isDark = cont.white > cont.black const isDull = s < .5 const color = resolveColor(base)({ saturation, lightness, contrast })() let maxed = false const result = { base: chroma(base).hex(), color, contrast: chroma.contrast(base, color), dark: isDark, scale: chroma.scale([base, color]).colors(8), hues: getHues(base)(hues) } return result } console.log(hello("#0fc"));
Created from: https://tonicdev.com/npm/hello-color

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