Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.



node v0.12.18
version: master
CSON = require("cson-parser") XRegExp = require("xregexp") XRegExp.convert = (config) => { // config is pattern when config.pattern is missing var pattern = config.pattern || config var {captures, flags} = config // optional return XRegExp.build(pattern, captures, flags) } String.raw = ({raw}) => raw.join('') error = "TypeError: /Users/Web/views/layout.jade:11"
regex = XRegExp.convert(String.raw`\w+Error:\s(?<file>[^:]+):(?<line>\d+)`) 11 == XRegExp.exec(error, regex).line
regex = XRegExp.convert({ pattern: String.raw` \w+Error :\s (?<file> [^:]+) : (?<line> \d+) `, flags: "x" }) 11 == XRegExp.exec(error, regex).line
regex = XRegExp.convert(CSON.parse(String.raw` pattern: /// \w+Error :\s ({{file}}) : ({{line}}) /// captures: file: /[^:]+/ line: /\d+/ `)) 11 == XRegExp.exec(error, regex).line

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