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When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.


untitled notebook

node v4.9.1
version: master
const R = require('ramda') const pipeMap = R.compose(R.map, R.pipe) const now = new Date().getTime() const daysFromTodayMap = pipeMap( R.prop('unixtime') ,R.add( -now ) ,R.multiply( 1 / 86400000 ) ,Math.round ) const daysFromTodayK = R.pipeK( R.prop('unixtime') ,R.add( -now ) ,R.multiply( 1 / 86400000 ) ,Math.round ) const input = [ {unixtime: 1465960886275} ,{unixtime: 1466047294366} ] R.equals( daysFromTodayK(input) //=> [1,2] ,daysFromTodayMap(input) //=> [1,2] ) //=> true

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