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json-web-crawler demo - Steam Dota2

node v6.17.1
version: 4.0.0
const request = require('request-promise'); const crawl = require('json-web-crawler'); const setting = { type: 'content', container: '#game_highlights .rightcol', crawl: { appId: { elem: '.glance_tags', get: 'data-appid' }, appName: { outOfContainer: true, elem: '.apphub_AppName', get: 'text' }, image: { elem: '.game_header_image_full', get: 'src' }, reviews: { elem: '.game_review_summary:eq(0)', get: 'text', }, tags: { elem: '.glance_tags', collect: { elems: [{ elem: 'a.app_tag:eq(0)', get: 'text' }, { elem: 'a.app_tag:eq(1)', get: 'text' }, { elem: 'a.app_tag:eq(2)', get: 'text' }], combineWith: ', ' } }, allTags: { elem: '.glance_tags a.app_tag', collect: { loop: true, get: 'text', combineWith: ', ' } }, description: { elem: '.game_description_snippet', get: 'text', process(value) { return value.split(', '); } }, releaseDate: { elem: '.release_date .date', get: 'text' } } }; const content = await request('http://store.steampowered.com/app/570/'); content ? console.log(await crawl(content, setting)) : console.log('No content');

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