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node v10.24.1
version: 1.0.0
const nand= (a, b) => (a==1 && b==1 ? 0 : 1) const not = (a) => (nand(a, a)) const and = (a, b) => (not(nand(a, b))) const or = (a, b) => (not(and(not(a), not(b)))) const xor = (a, b) => (or(and(not(a), b), and(a, not(b)))) const mux = (a, b, sel) => (or(and(a, not(sel)), and(b, sel))) const dmux = (a, sel) => ([and(a, not(sel)), and(a, sel)]) const not16 = (a) => (a.map((_) => not(_))) const and16 = (a, b) => (_.zipWith(a, b, (x, y) => (and(x, y)))) const or16 = (a, b) => (_.zipWith(a, b, (x, y) => (or(x, y)))) const mux16 = (a, b, sel) => (_.zipWith(a, b, (x, y) => (mux(x, y, sel)))) const mux4way16 = (a, b, c, d, sel) => ( mux16( mux16(a, b, sel[0]), mux16(c, d, sel[0]), sel[1]) ); const mux8Way16 = (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, sel) => ( mux16( mux16(a, b, sel[0]), mux16(c, d, sel[0]), sel[1]) ); const dmux4way = (input, sel) => { const sel0 = dmux(input, sel[0]); const ac = dmux(sel0[0], sel[1]); const bd = dmux(sel0[0], sel[1]) return { a: ac[0], b: bd[0], c: ac[1], d: bd[1] } } const dmux8way = (input, sel) => { const aecgbfdh = dmux(input, sel[0]); const aecg = dmux(aecgbfdh[0], sel[1]); const bfdh = dmux(aecgbfdh[1], sel[1]); const ae = dmux(aecg[0], sel[2]); const cg = dmux(aecg[1], sel[2]); const bf = dmux(bfdh[0], sel[2]); const dh = dmux(bfdh[1], sel[2]); return { a: ae[0], b: bf[0], c: cg[0], d: dh[0], e: ae[1], f: bf[1], g: cg[1], h: dh[1] } }

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