Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.


untitled notebook

node v4.9.1
version: master
var NC = require( "node-cache" ); // deactivated useClones to use the toString function ;-) var cache = new NC( { useClones: false } ); loadDataFromDB = function( cb ){ // wait for the DB to return the data. // this simulates the time to call your db through the network setTimeout( function(){ // generate fake data var toCache = {}; toCache.id = 42; toCache.name = "foo"; toCache.toString = function(){ return "id: " + this.id + " name: " + this.name } // save to the cache cache.set( "id"+toCache.id, toCache ) // check if it exists console.log( "AFTER SET CACHE: " + cache.get( "id42" ) ) cb( null, toCache ) }, 1000 ); } // load data from fake db loadDataFromDB( function( err, data ){ // check cache after data was loaded console.log( "AFTER DATA LOADED: " + cache.get( "id42" ) ) }) // immediate cache check console.log( "ON CODE BOTTOM: " + cache.get( "id42" ) )

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