Would you like to clone this notebook?

When you clone a notebook you are able to make changes without affecting the original notebook.


Event Emitter

node v0.12.18
version: 1.0.0
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; //this is included in node var util = require('util'); //this is included in node as well var myObject = function(){ EventEmitter.call(this); }; util.inherits(myObject, EventEmitter); myObject.prototype.doSomething = function(thing){ this.emit('something', thing); return this; //make your method chainable, for ease of use }; var obj = new myObject; obj.on('something', function(thing){ console.log(thing); }); obj.doSomething('eat').doSomething('sleep').doSomething('code');

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